Monday, May 12, 2008

How many suitcases can you fit in a bicycle rickshaw?

Day 12: Wednesday May 7, 11:00 am - The entrance to Tara House Hotel, Delhi

While Andy and the crew went on vacation for 10 days, there was no way they were taking all their gear and luggage with them. They stored it all at a TV station in Delhi. Andy realized that he had a lot of stuff in this stored luggage that he wanted to send back with me, so we offered to go to the TV station and pick up everyone's luggage.

When Pointer heard this, he laughed and said good luck. He said there were eight bags (heavy), and that it took a few of them four trips to get it from their hotel to the car. You are not able to drive up to their hotel in Delhi. All the drivers park at the end of this long road, which leads you to an alley, and the hotel is at the back of the alley (the Diagon Alley alley mentioned in previous posts). I was not looking forward to getting all these bags from the TV station to the hotel.

Well, as we were unloading them from the car, this rickshaw driver said he could fit all eight of their bags, plus our three bags, in his rickshaw. We thought if he could do it, let's let him! It was such an amazing feat we had to capture it. Here he is with our driver for the day, Ravi. Ravi is on the left (the happy one in the uniform), and the Amazing Bicycle Rickshaw Wonder Driver is on the right. That thing was packed to the gills!

1 comment:

Kar said...

Thank goodness for that rickshaw driver!