Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Run Forrest, run!

A while back I wrote a post about how my mom had inspired me to start running. I tried to be like my mom and run for 20 minutes every day, but once my knees started hurting on the second day, I pretty much quit. So much for that inspiration; it lasted all of three days, and I decided maybe I'm not cut out to be a runner.

Despite the fact that I have bad knees and quit easily, I have always wanted to be a runner. And for a while now, I've wanted to to complete a 5K. I thought about signing up for a couple of them, and even started training using the Couch Potato to 5K training program. For lots of reasons (most of them quite lame), I never completed the training program, and never actually ran a 5K. In fact, the closest I've ever come was a couple of years ago, when Andy filmed a 5K and I rode next to him in the truck so he could film the runners. Now I'm not 100% clear on 5K rules, but I think that's considered cheating. I probably shouldn't have eaten the bagel and banana they provided to all the runners. And I probably didn't deserve the T-shirt. So I pushed the goal of actually running (or let's be honest - I'd settle for walking) a 5K way, way, far back into the nether regions of my mind, where it has sat dormant for several years now.

Then, a few weeks ago, Anna mentioned that she was training to run a 5K at the end of October. Hmmm...should I actually go for it this time? So I loaded up on some Glucosamine HCl (for optimum joint health and mobility), and pulled out the Couch Potato to 5K program. Last week, I officially started the program again. In fact, I specifically drove into work to use the "free" treadmill at the gym there. I say "free" because that's only if you don't count the gas I'm wasting driving 20 miles to use a treadmill.

This morning, Andy had the car, and I couldn't drive into work. So I figured, it was a beautiful fall day, I might as well run outside. Let's just say that was a little rough - running outside is nothing like running inside on a treadmill!

For starters, my watch was broken, so I carried my cell phone to keep time, so I would know that I was running for for 1.5 minutes/walking for 2 minutes. Running for 1.5 minutes/walking for 2 minutes. I guess the tight feeling in my chest and thoughts of dying a slow death being better than running for 1.5 minutes weren't enough of a clue to tell me I was running for 1.5 minutes/walking for 2 minutes. Not to mention the strange looks I got from all the skinny moms pushing their three children in one stroller, wondering why I was holding my phone open while running and panting like some crazed madwoman.

That phone really put a damper on my run; I couldn't carry my water bottle and my phone. I think people thought I was weird, leaning over a big puddle, gulping water for fear of dehydration. It was a little awkward. Those darn judgemental skinny moms.

Without a treadmill, I'm not very good at keeping the same pace, even if it's only for 1.5 minutes. Now that I think about it, maybe the low-hanging tree branch that whipped me in the face while I was looking down to check the time on my cell phone was what slowed me down. Or maybe it was the group of guys playing baseball, watching me run into a tree was what made me slow down. I can't really say for sure.

At any rate, I completed Week 2, Day 1 of training and I am writing this post to put it out there: I will be running/walking into tree branches, I mean in a 5K in October. I wish you could be there to yell "Run, Alicia, run!" on the sidelines.

PS: No, I did not really drink water from a puddle. I was so thirsty, I thought about it though.
PSS: I really have nothing against skinny moms; only when I'm running past them and they look so chipper and carefree, while I am dying a slow death running for 1.5 minutes.


Rebecca said...

keep it up.. you can do it!! Little bit at a time, and if you haven't invensted in new running shoes..(not cross trainers..)do that.. that always makes the knees feel better!!!

Kar said...

I agree with Rebecca. I just got some real running shoes for the first time ever! I ran in them today and felt like I was in heaven. My knees started hurting the first couple of months, and my chest always felt like I was having a heart attack. I did kind of like you have been doing - run five minutes, walk five minutes, run five minutes, etc. And then I did run five, walk four. Run five, walk three. And now I can go a lot longer. I'm doing my very first 5K this Saturday, and I run sooo slowly; it will probably take me like 45 minutes to finish. Maybe an hour. I'll probably have to stop a couple of times. :)

Kar said...

Oh, I forgot to complete my thought - the knees and chest and side pains stopped happening after the first couple of months.

AnJ. said...

You know what they say, (who are they anyway?) What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Keep it up!

DaNae said...

Close your eyes and think of your Mom standing on the side lines saying you can do it!!!! I wish that we were close so we could run and walk together, it gets old running by yourself before the sun comes up.Love you and keep going!

Janene said...

keep it up! I've stopped/started running more than once. And it is pretty-much hard like this everytime I re-start. You CAN do it!