Thursday, September 11, 2008

Help! I'm addicted!

I bought these last night at Whole Foods (yikes! look at all those calories!), and I can't stop eating them. I think you might have to come over to my house and pry them from my cold, dead hands. Or not - I doubt I'll die while eating them, but as Andy says, anything's possible.

I bought them because I wanted a snack to eat while I watched Mama Mia!, and the movie theater happened to be across from Whole Foods. I also happened to have to go there to buy Pero for Andy (a post for another day). I knew I liked these, but had forgotten how much I like them. Kind of like gummy Coke bottles. Man, I love those, but for some reason I always forget until I eat one, which isn't often because I don't buy them since I don't remember I like them. But with these, I eat and eat and eat until my jaw hurts and I'm all hopped up on the sugar. Oh, the sugary goodness...

By the way, I do NOT recommend Mama Mia!. Boo. Double-boo and two thumbs down. I have to say: Pierce Brosnan should just avoid singing. At all costs. The one good outcome of the movie: it did make me think back to my youth, when I'm pretty sure I had an album of Erasure singing ABBA songs. I seem to remember hearing them sing, "If you change your mind, I'm the first in line - honey I'm still free! Take a chance on me!" AnJ: am I right? I know you'll know...and if I'm right, do you still have the CD? I want it!


AnJ. said...

I read that you should never eat your fruit fried. Deadly!

I love coke bottles too. They are so good! And yes you are right Erasure did have an Abba CD. (heading down to the basement,scratching my head, did I keep that?) I'll get back to you.

lish said...

They're dried, not fried. Still bad?

Kar said...

I had Abba's greatest hits in college, and it was like my favorite album ever. I strongly recommend it. And yes, the movie was really, really cheesy. But the music - classic. Always catchy. Always fun.

Amy said...

Banana chips are deceptive because you think you're eating "fruit."

I skipped the movie based on Meryl. Don't like her.

Have the cd, it is greatness. Oh, L'Amour!

DaNae said...

I think I have that cassette here some where in you girls stuff!

DaNae said...

I think I have that cassette here some where in you girls stuff!

bluestocking23 said...

LOL. Bananna chips - yum! Mama Mia - yuck. Erasure singing Abba - yes! It's fabulous.