Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This time Dr. House was right

Since my last post, which was about a bazillion years ago, we have been through quite a bit, medically speaking. AnJanette suggested that perhaps Andy and I were trying to get all of our problems finished in our first year of marriage, which, I have to admit, would be totally like me. Can I just get through all the hard/boring/painful/scary stuff really fast so I can actually enjoy myself?

Last summer, Andy went to the doctor. Really he went because I suggested he might want to go since he hasn't been since he was a wee child. "Just for a checkup. Just to make sure everything's okay," I said. Well, he listened to me, and it's been one long roller coaster ride ever since.

We are big fans of the TV show House. It seems like almost every episode, their initial (and wrong) diagnosis is either lupus or sarcoidosis. After Andy's visit to the doctor turned into recurring visits, and two biopsies in January (one of his lung and the other of his lymph nodes, which, by the way, left quite the scar right below his neck), his doctors gave him a diagnosis that could only come straight from Dr. Gregory House. Andy has sarcoidosis.
Poor guy. He's been through a lot, and now he finds out that he has something that may or may not go away, something that can't be treated unless his symptoms get worse because the side effects of the treatment can be worse than the original symptoms, and that giving up refined sugar might provide some relief. What a bunch of bad news! We'll do our best, and see where it goes from here...


Kar said...

Poor Andy. That is horrible. I love the show, House, also. There have been so many times that I wish I had a House Team to tell me what is wrong with me. And so that I could stare deep into House's eyes. I seriously think he has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.

Corinne said...

Man. That's a long road. I'll be thinking of you and your husband. And I'm a big fan of Dr. House too :)

lish said...

I'm so glad you guys are still checking my blog! We'll get through this sarcoidosis thing, as long as we have Dr. House.

Mandy said...

I still check every day! You guys have had it rough, but you'll get through it. love you.