Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yadda, yadda yadda

Since the TV Writer's Strike started, we've been hard-pressed to find things to watch. So we put every Seinfeld episode in our Blockbuster queue, and off we went! Andy never really watched Seinfeld when it originally aired, so it's been fun to watch all of them from the beginning with him.
There are so many random, hilarious things they say on that show. What makes me laugh the most is that no matter what issues we're facing in our lives, inevitably, we watch an episode and Seinfeld addresses it. Right now we're wondering why they have such random and hilarious things happen to them, when those kinds of things aren't happening in our life. Is that true for everyone? Do you think your life is not very interesting, compared to others?
I decided to start a "What would Seinfeld say?" feature in my blog, just to give me something to laugh about every once in a while. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kar said...

I adore Seinfeld. The Writer's Strike has sucked. Aren't the first few episodes of Seinfeld kind of weird?? They are funny to me.