Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't go to the movies

Several months ago, Andy showed me a movie preview that looked so cool. Said move continually came up in conversations with friends about how excited he was to see it, and I have to say, the excitement rubbed off on me. I think it rubbed off on everyone, and as Valentine's Day neared, a group of us set a date to go.

Last Friday we went. And all I can say is boo. Had I a basket of tomatoes, they would all have been thrown at the screen. And this annoys me. We are not like a lot of people who don't get to see movies in the theater very often; in fact, we see them quite a bit. But when I go to a movie, I want to love it, or at the very least like it.

This did not happen last Friday. The movie was terrible. There were no redeeming characters. The plot did not make sense. There were unanswered questions. The leading girl was just too darn skinny (but that's a different post for a different day). The dialogue was boring. And Andy's complaint - there weren't even any good action sequences. Even if the story stinks, even if the characters aren't people you want to know, the least they could do is have a good action sequence. Not in this movie.

Don't go see Jumper. Not in theaters, not when it comes out on video, not when it's free on cable TV in five years. It is a waste of time, not only while you're watching it, but all the time you have to talk about how bad it stinks after you watch it.


Kar said...

I love the Elaine dialogue on the right hand side. I love that you love Seinfeld. Dude, I've never even heard of Jumper. But I'll avoid it at all costs. We don't get out to movies very often - too expensive.

AnJ. said...

This is so funny since I was going to e-mail you and ask you how the movie was.

It's so annoying when you waste time and money. Hopefully you at least had some popcorn with that 'yellow stuff' on it. :)

lish said...

Um, yeah. We just saw the price for a movie - $9.50 for an adult! What the heck? We're lucky to have a friend who works at one on the weekends (just because he likes movies). So we can get in free almost anytime we like. Then when we have to pay, I about have a heart attack from the price.

bluestocking23 said...

LOL. I just saw a preview for that and had never heard of it before...thanks for the warning! These days - there are only so many shows I get to see and I'm glad not to waste the experience.

Mandy said...

Oh, I'm sad it was a waste of time! I actually wanted to see this one! Thanks for the heads up.

Oh, and movie prices are a TOTAL rip-off!

Brooke said...

Thanks for the tip. The last thing I want to do is waste a valuable date-night on a crappy movie. We have free movie passes from Christmas and hope that someday soon a good movie will appear.