Friday, February 22, 2008

Hello, meet Frankenfish

At the risk of sounding like a sissy la-la, I just have to say: Ew! Gross!

While reading the news online this morning, I happened upon this little picture and story. I'm a little disturbed by this, one of Heavenly Father's creations. A few questions come to mind:

Why would a fish need a primitive lung to survive on land? Um, it's a fish - don't they have gills for the specific purpose that they live in the water?
What would you do if you saw a fish with a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth walking on land using its fins? I think I'd run for my freakin' life.
What does it taste like fried in butter and garlic? Probably just the same as the dish of snails Andy convinced us to order at dinner last night with his parents...

I just say to the fishermen in my family (um, Clint and Jared): beware the Frankenfish.


Steph said...

Ok, so I pick a brief period to let the blogging world lapse and that's when Alicia starts blogging again! Sorry that I'm just catching up! All your posts are really making me miss you!

Jayrod said...

The other day I thought I saw just such a fish walking down the street, but it ended up being a weiner dog.

Kar said...

I linked to the story, and it freaked me out. Ugh. It can grow to five feet??? This is why I don't live in Louisiana. There are all kinds of creepy things from down there. Including Britney Spears.

bluestocking23 said...

You'd be doubly disturbed to see the fish Dad caught recently. Ew! Freaky fishes are not cool.