Friday, February 15, 2008

Ch-ch-ch-ch changes...

I seem to be having an identity crisis. In my search to be interesting and unique, I have changed my blog name several times. As I was updating it yesterday, I realized that it was named something that does not reflect Andy at all, and some people link to our blog as "Andy and Alicia."

That got me thinking. Forget interesting and unique, it was hard enough to come up with something that reflected me, let alone both of us. We'll just be Andy & Alicia.

So here is the new a+a blog. The address is the same, but the title is new. A for Alicia and A for Andy. In our house, a+a = TLA. Well, TLU (usually). When I'm not grumpy, which I'm really working on.

Update your blogs, and I think I can almost promise the name won't change again...


AnJ. said...

Aye Aye Capt'n! You've been changed.

Amy said...

I like it.

DaNae said...

this suits you well, its nice to have my Lish back.

Kar said...

How very alliterative of you! :) Okay. I'm dumb. What does TLA and TLU mean? Maybe I'm having a pregnancy brain cramp? I've lost so many brain cells carrying these little buggers....

lish said...

TLA = True Love Always
TLU = True Love Usually (excluding my grumpiness)