Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm back!

Since Andy's been home, I haven't had any time to blog. I think we decided we'd try to cram an entire summer into three short weeks! Needless to say, it's left me very tired at night, and exhausted during the day. In the last three weeks, we have done way more than I ever expected we would. We have:

  • Watched five movies, including Hulk, Wall-E, Kung Fu Panda, and Hancock
  • Played dozens of different card, board, and video games
  • Spent a weekend at Cherry Creek Reservoir, barbecuing and boating
  • Watched fireworks and parades
  • Invited the youth to our house for a fireside on India
  • Spent the weekend at Andy's parents' house with our friend
  • Replaced a rotting fence in our backyard
  • Weeded our entire yard (it was more weeds than yard!)
  • Met with a realtor to start our house search process
  • Eaten more junk food than I ever thought possible (good-bye, weight loss!)
My favorite part was spending the weekend at Andy's parents' house the last weekend in June. They have a huge house in the woods, with three extra bedrooms. So a bunch of us went up for the weekend. We made fondue, played games, went for walks, and just pretty much enjoyed each others' company. It's also the only time we have any pictures - thanks to Joey! I hope you enjoy these pictures that Joey took as much as I did.

Friday evening we made fondue: cheese for the bread and veggies, broth for the meat and veggies, and chocolate for the desserts (fruit, oreo- and graham cracker-covered marshmallows, and brownies - yum!). Apparently I was happy that Andy was about to stab me with a fondue fork.

I got to spend a lot of time with my favorite little girl, Maya. She is such a good baby!

We also got to know Daniel's fiancee, AJ, a little better. We're so happy for Daniel that he found AJ. She's a great catch!

Saturday morning Chris & Barb made Swedish pancakes, while I went for a walk with my Swedish friend, Anna, her husband Joey (the photographer), and their two beautiful little girls - Alicia & Maya.
Isn't Anna amazing to carry Alicia on her shoulders and Maya in the Baby Bjorn? Talk about being a Supermom!

So, we've had a good three week "summer." And the good news: we found out last week that Andy isn't going back to India/China, so we get to continue having a good summer. Which means hopefully you'll see more regular posts now that I won't be exhausted from doing so much!


Kar said...

Ah, I'm so glad Andy doesn't have to go back to India this summer!! You look like you have had a blast. I wish I could afford to go out and spend time with you. These gas prices are a bee-otch! :)

AnJ. said...

Yippee! You're back. WoW! You really did try to pack in a whole Summer into 3 weeks. Sheesh!

Brooke said...

Wow! You have been so busy! Welcome back to blogland!

Janene said...

Glad you're back. (love the cop post). We've been busy too, and the first thing I let go of is the blogging.