Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is my new favorite word, although I'm still trying to figure out what it means and when to use it. So far I've used it like this: "Andy, now that you're home, let's go skadoosh!" Which in this instance means, "Andy, now that you're home, let's go sit on the couch and watch the 12 hours of TV I DVR'd while you were gone." Seriously, isn't this season of Lost awesome?

I first heard the word when we saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday (thanks Dennis!). Thanks to the awesomeness that is Jack Black, I will now be in search of the perfect meaning of "skadoosh." Anyone have any ideas?

Oh, and yes, it is awesome to have Andy back!


Janene said...

oooooh I like it! I may need to borrow that occasionally. You remind me that I've got a hankering to watch Nacho Libre sometime soon.

AnJ. said...

Ahhh....who wouldn't love stretchy pants?
I'm loving this new word too. I must find a way to add it to my vocabulary.

Kar said...

I love Jack Black. And I'm so glad Andy is home!

Brooke said...

This is not a skadoosh comment, but rather a Twilight comment. I see that you are currently reading it. So you're probably not going to read this comment for awhile because you WILL NOT be able to put down the book until you finish. I thought you would have read it by now. It's definitely a good one to read while Andy's gone, because he would feel really neglected if you had your nose in a book upon his return after a lengthy absence overseas! So hurry and finish all 3 before he gets home!!!!

Brooke said...

Oh nuts, I just read one of your earlier posts, and it appears that Andy is ALREADY HOME! Well, try to give him some TLC in between reading sessions. :)

BagLady said...

lady...holy cow. i saw janene recently and she told me about your blog. you look happy and lovely! i hope we can get back in touch after all these years. my email is take care.