Saturday, June 14, 2008

Andy's coming home!

I am so excited for Andy to be home, even if it's only for three weeks. As I type this, he is on a plane from Frankfurt to Denver, and I pick him up at 4:30 this afternoon.

He has been in India for eight weeks, and it's been five and a half since I've seen him. I have to admit, I thought the time would just drag by, and I know that for him it did. Don't tell Andy, but for me that time just flew by. What a blessing it's been to just cruise through the past five and a half weeks.

Now if only the next three weeks would go by slow. Somehow I suspect they'll cruise by just as fast as the last five.


Kar said...

Oh no! Where is he going now? That stinks!

lish said...

On July 5, he goes back to India for 20 days, and then he goes to China until August 25. So I'm basically on my own for the rest of the summer.