Saturday, June 14, 2008

My last post about weight...promise!

It seems I struck a chord with a couple of recent posts regarding my obsession with my weight. What I find interesting is how many of us would change something about our bodies; even if we're happy with our weight, there is always something else we don't like.

I never intended to make anyone feel bad, or weird, or upset anyone with my posts. The only person I was judging was myself - my thoughts of getting thinner were occurring a little more than I was comfortable with. Even though I haven't taken unhealthy measures to change myself, I was spending more time thinking about myself than thinking about better things. I guess I thought that if I focus a little more effort on thinking of others, it would help me feel less angst about what size pants I wear.

Don't get me wrong, I will still have goals. I will continue to be annoyed by the fact that so many of my clothes no longer fit. I will continue to watch what I eat and exercise. I will continue to work towards getting down two sizes. Just hopefully, I'll think about it a little less and make room for other things that will help me feel good about myself.


Kar said...

Again, I totally know what you mean about weight slipping into every waking thought. I seriously think it's Satan. I know that sounds Church Lady-ish (SNL), but I think that's how he gets to a lot of women - making them unhappy with themselves. If he can't get you in one way, he will find another, and I think he chips away at our self-esteem through the media - seeing all of these stick-skinny ladies and thinking that there is something wrong with us. And no, you didn't make me feel weird or uncomfortable in any way. I've been over those feelings, thankfully, for a few years now. Look at me! I caught up on reading your blog! Yipee! I really enjoy your blog.

Rebecca said...

It was refreshing to read your posts and to see I am not the only one who feels that way! I really believe you have to find peace inside, and be healthy, but its a hard balance. You look great, but feeling it yourself is not the easiest thing. I think its hard to admit and you are awesome for being open about it, good luck with your goals!!!! Your awesome!