Thursday, April 17, 2008

It is April, right?

It started lightly snowing last night, and this is what I woke up to this morning.

It was 70 degrees on Monday, 80 degrees on Tuesday with forest fires close to Colorado Springs.

Then we got three inches of snow on Wednesday, it will be 50 degrees on Thursday, and 70 degree weather is predicted for Friday! The first time I moved here, everyone said Colorado had interesting weather, but I have to say, I've never experienced the weather to be this extreme.

I really hope it warms up soon and stays that way!


Rebecca said...

Sounds like Texas weather.. without the snow all winter. I am sure you are ready for spring!! Hope you are surviving!!!

AnJ. said...

What is up with this? Mason was so mad when it started snowing the other day. He collapsed on the ground and cried, "It is going to be Winter forever."

Kar said...

Yeah, Denver weather is a lot like Idaho weather. We don't really get a spring. My pansies died, because it actually FROZE last night here. Dude.