Thursday, September 20, 2007

What I did the last week of August

I am terrible at taking pictures, which is why I don't have a scrapbook. And I'm even worse at writing in a journal, so I thought keeping a blog would help that, but it turns out that blogging is pretty much the same as writing in a journal, only it's electronic. Which means I don't blog very often. I am resolving to get better!

The last week, or actually weekend, of August was pretty great. Lara came from Utah and Megan came from Wyoming to have a girls weekend in Denver. We stayed in a hotel, ate lots of great food, went shopping, saw Hairspray, and had our nails done.

And the only picture I got was this:
Just as I was dropping them off at the airport, we asked someone to take our picture.

Yay Lara and Megan for helping me keep our friendship going! It is so nice to have such good friends who fly all the way out here to spend time with me.

This is our second time getting together for a girls weekend, and I think we need to make it a yearly tradition.

1 comment:

Kar said...

I'm so jealous - wish I had the fundage to come visit you, sans kids. Someday...