Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Zip it!

Question: Which is worse? Being told by a stranger that your fly is open, or going an entire day and then finding out later that your fly was open?

Saturday morning, there I was: minding my own business at The Wal-Mart, doing shopping for my Christmas party in T-11 hours. As I turned the corner to almost every aisle, there he was - Open Fly Guy. Fly wide open, so far open it was clearly open. You know what I mean; your fly can be open, but still flat, or it can be open and not flat.

His was not flat.

I saw him once by the ketchup and ignored it. No big deal, right? Then I saw him a second time, by the soup, and ignored it again. A little uncomfortable, but not the end of the world. A third sighting by the milk almost did me in. I wanted so badly to tell him, but I didn't want to embarrass him.
I am of the opinion that if I have a wad of TP stuck to the bottom of my shoe or something equally embarrassing, I would want to know. Thank you so much in advance for telling me.

Andy says he'd rather just figure it out himself than be told by a strange lady. Which is worse for you? He also wonders why I even noticed it in the first place. Because it was wide open! And I do mean open.
Let us not even ponder the fact that maybe he wanted his fly to be open, and just hope that he was blissfully unaware of the indiscretion until much later in the day.


Rebecca said...

I say tell them.. just say excuse me.. your fly is down.. then walk away.. mine was down the other day and I wondered .. how many people saw that?? I would rather be embarassed by one than feel like I embarrassed myself in front of many!!! :)

Kar said...

Yeah, I say tell him. So are you saying that you could see, like....genitalia and stuff??? Ewwwww!!! You just keep saying "WAY open..." and I was wondering. Gross.

Jenn said...

I must agree, I don't mind a personal one on one embarrasment, I appreciate that the person is looking out for me. I don't like the idea of making a "something" of myself all day...like that man!

Janene said...

hmmmmm.... I think it would actually be less embarrassing being told by someone I wouldn't see again. Maybe? But then maybe you would have seen him AGAIN in produce.