Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good grief

A part of me died inside over the weekend.

There were many conversations, multiple shopping trips, and a last-minute run to Target that all led up to it, but it finally happened: I bought a fake Christmas tree, and as I handed over my debit card, I felt a huge "whoosh" as the spirit of Christmas left me.

I am pained just typing it.

A fake Christmas tree. As in, not one real branch protruding or real scent emanating from the tree I carried into my house in a box. Just like I would have done with a brand new tent.

I couldn't help but think that I had succumbed to the commercialism of Christmas, a la A Charlie Brown Christmas. In fact, I almost considered getting a pink aluminium tree; I figured, if I'm going fake, why not go all the way? It seems almost everyone I know has started buying fake - you know, the modern commercial Christmas spirit Lucy was so inclined to favor. In fact, I think Lucy put it best when she said, "Look, Charlie, let's face it. We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It's run by a big eastern syndicate, you know."

It used to be that I got excited about the tree, picking it out, tying it to the car, bringing it home, and setting it up. This year I had thoughts about whether the tree would catch on fire while we were in Utah for a week, or how many needles I'd have to vacuum up because we wouldn't be here to water it for a week. So not only am I getting older, but I'm getting more practical and also a little more lazy.
Good grief!

But after the tree was up, I realized that Sally was clearly the smart one. Christmas is not about what your tree looks like, or how many decorations you have hanging in your house (including fake garland on the staircase), or how much baking you do.

It's about getting presents. And right now there are two big ones under that fake tree with my name on it. Hallelujah and Merry Christmas!

(You know I'm kidding. I know Christmas is about Jesus. Good grief! Don't you know sarcasm when you hear it?)


Krystal Trapnell said...

Oh, I've missed you and your witty posts!

Mandy said...

I was so tempted to do the same thing this year! But, alas, I gave in to my desire for a real one. There are no ornaments up, but it's there.

Can't wait to see you!

DaNae said...

We got our nice little tree from Clems for $15 but the fake ones are calling my name.....

AnJ. said...

Can you believe Mom is considering a fake tree? What is wrong in the world?

We got ours at Clem's too. Nothing like supporting your local polygymist group.

Did you buy a lot of pine-scented car fresheners?

Janene said...

We are big fakers here. And ours we bought on clearance AFTER Christmas one year at WALLY WORLD (that's what we call it). I'm almost ashamed. Having grown up in the household that bought a live potted tree and then put it in the yard...

But I'm sitting by my fake $5 tree, and it looks really nice and i like the season just the same. Merry Christmas!

Kar said...

That made me laugh so hard: "It's about getting presents." Hahaha! We succumbed to the fake tree thing a couple of years ago. It's just more economically sound.