Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What would Jesus do?

I think if he discovered his Christmas tree tipped over because the plastic stand broke on the cheapest $50 tree he could find at Target, Jesus would return it and fork out the dough for a better tree.

Wouldn't you?

At least that's what I'm going to do.

Maybe my super-snazzy-retro-glittery-starburst-star from Crate & Barrel (AnJ!) will stay on top of a more expensive tree? Andy keeps telling me not to be cheap.

I guess I should start listening to him.


Jon and Becky said...

Jesus would turn the broken tree into a real tree and make it sparkle all by itself and large, African mammals would pace around it and lick one another in peace.

Jenn said...

I have been watching this whole saga unfold and I am just waiting for this fake tree to shed just as bad as a real one, for a light strand to go out that you can not replace because it is attached to the whole tree, and for the big box it comes in to take up too much room in your garage to store every year, forcing you to go back out and get a real one after all! Good luck!

Kar said...

Dude, if you take it back, you should get one of those pre-lit buggers. I would love a pre-lit fake tree.