Thursday, December 4, 2008

What smells like burnt pumpkin pie?

What would you do with one cup of leftover canned pumpkin? I thought making homemade pumpkin pie spice doughnuts was the answer to that question. Let us pause for just a minute to ponder two things:

1) Um...yum!

2) No wonder I can't lose 15 pounds. Ahem.

While in the throes of this blissfull, flour-encrusted domesticity on Sunday, I thought hot apple cider would go very well with said doughnuts. But once I started making it, I realized we didn't have enough apple juice to make it work. Raspberries don't taste too strong, right?


Mixing half plain old apple juice, and half apple-raspberry juice made a delicious raspberry-flavoried drink. With cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and oranges. It tasted just okay, but that stuff smelled awesome. So for the past few days, it has sat on my stove, and I've heated it up here and there to make the house smell Christmasy and drive away the smell of death that seems to lurk in every room here (that is another post for another day).

And yesterday, we heard the good news that Garrett was in town. It's not every day a brother-in-law drops in to see us (though we wish it was), and we were caught unprepared. Kitchen a mess. TV room a disaster from my failed felt ball-making activities from the previous night. And the house was smelly.

So, as soon as I got home, I started up the pot of raspberry cider, and in a few minutes, the house smelled divine. But when you go to dinner and a movie without turning off the burner, you come home to a house that smells like burnt pumpkin pie, and a pan that is covered in a sticky brown goop.

That's right. In this season of fire-safety awareness and the coldest time of year to lose everything you own to a flaming pot of hot raspberry cider, I left the house unattended for five hours with the burner on. Luckily, nothing burned down, and the worst we had was the smell of burnt pumpkin pie.

Which I'll take over the smell of death any day.

Here's what I've been thinking a lot: can we move yet?


Mandy said...

That sounds awful! But it also sounds like the original smelled really really good! Thanks again for hanging out with Garrett, and sorry for the late notice. I know that he had an absolutely fantastic time, he told me last night. Had I not had this stupid conference, I could have come with! Oh well, see you at Christmas.

AnJ. said...

Way to use things up instead of throwing the extra out. You would have made a good pioneer. ;)

I hope you can move. Soon.
The sock puppets were very lovely.

I really like the turkey even though it met an untimely death.

DaNae said...

I did that burner thing once with something and my house smelled for a very long time...

Kar said...

Why does your house smell like death? Did it smell like death when you moved in? Just curious. You are so very domestic, with your homemade donuts, apple-raspberry cider, etc. Yum. That makes me want to whip up some wassail and drive my husband nuts. He thinks Wassail tastes/smells gross. I like to make him writhe.

Clinter B. said...

Dang, I was going to come pay you a visit too! But if your house smells like any pumpkin- fresh, frozen, cooked, carved, burned, whatever - I'll pass.

I'd rather smell death. :)