Monday, July 28, 2008


I have a newfound respect for my mother. My mom and I have both been trying, in our own ways, to lose a few pounds, and my mom is doing so well! I noticed she looked thinner and her clothes looked super baggy, and when I asked her what she's been doing, I was completely surprised.

My mom gets up at 4:00 am and runs, not walks, on the treadmill for 20 minutes. To some people, that might not seem like much, but to my knowledge, my mom has never really run much in her life. I know she's power walked, and maybe in the 80's she did aerobics, but I have never known my mom to be a runner. I figured if Mom can do it, I can do it, right? And this morning at 6:00, I jumped on the treadmill.

Five minutes in, and I'm doing okay. It's kind of boring though, staring at the white wall right in front of the treadmill. I crack the blind so I can look out onto their backyard.
Ten minutes in, and I'm seeing spots. I guess it's time to walk for a couple of minutes. After a two minute brisk walk, I start running again - I have to keep up with my mom! What does she do while she runs? I'm getting kind of bored.
Fifteen minutes in, and I'm hanging onto the handles while I run. That can't be good, right? Running while I'm hunched over and gasping for breath doesn't seem like a very effective workout. I stop to gulp 8 oz of water in about 10 seconds.
Twenty minutes in, and I made it! Well, kind of, if you don't count the two minutes I walked. It's definitely time for a cool down walk.
I am most definitely humbled. My mom can outrun me - go Mom! I guess I better step up my workouts if I'm ever going to keep up!


Kar said...

Wow, good for your mom!! I have a hard time jogging, too, but I do it. It's the only way the weight falls off of me. My sis and I go at 5:45 every morning. It is a killer, but my endurance is slowly growing. I want to keep up with she, my other sister, and my dad, at the next 5K they sign up for.

AnJ. said...

Shh! I'll tell you her secret that keeps the running from being boring. (she listens to KSL) :)
I'm so not kidding. You'll have to try it tomorrow morning. Ha!

I know this is more a post about you but I have to say kudos to Mom for having the strength to do this 5 days a week. Go mom, go!

Janene said...

careful... you'll get hooked! :o) Ipod shuffle or TV is a must for my treadmill running days.

DaNae said...

You should try listening to talk radio. :) As you know I go to sleep with it and wake up with it. I really do it to help me with the big fat stress word that follows me around 24-7.