Friday, July 18, 2008

Memories Post

Now that I'm getting caught up on blogging, I found this on AnJanette's blog. I'm a little curious to hear your memories!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. Enjoy!


Rebecca said...

oh the first thing that comes to mind is the therapeutic walks at night, which I need now!!!! Fun times!!!

AnJ. said...

How do you choose just one?

I would have to say one of my best memories is when you came to St. George to visit me while I was in college.

I hadn't seen my family for weeks. I was so excited that you were coming and I don't think I've ever been more happy to see you than when I opened the door and there you were.

I don't remember much about the rest of the week but I sure do remember how happy I was to have you come.

Janene said...

remember when I rear ended while driving the blue chevy sport van? "Look, he only gave me a citation!" ...long pause... "Janene, a citation IS a ticket."

I also remember the green car, one of my favorites is listening to Talking Heads "Psycho Killer" while washing it as the golfers looked on. Lots of songs associated with that car too, like "Size of a Cow"

I could really go on for awhile, but I promise this will be the last one. Repeatedly calling X96 while doing our homework.

Corinne said...

Wow, friend. I was remembering that night we took your mattress out into your backyard and slept there. OOHH and when we filled what's his name's car with shaving cream. What was that about?? And of course, that whole car rolling thing :)

bluestocking23 said...

There's hardly a nice summer night or a Sunday School that goes by that I don't wish you were here so we could bust out and go cruisin'. Who wouldn't?!? Remember when I got my license and we all went floatin in the boat - or the time I hit the cat by 5 points and you were laughing hysterically because I was crying? Oh, the good times!

Kar said...

The first thing that comes to mind is when we were in London, and you would do that funny walk where you would swirl your right ankle between steps. Do you remember that? The Londoners would just stare at that foot, like, what is WRONG with her?? And you would just walk like there wasn't anything wrong, and I'd be giggling.

Krystal Trapnell said...

I remember one book club at your house. I remember how much you loved Tale of Despereaux. And even though I had liked it, I appreciated it a million times more after the discussion. What a great book.

You're such a good, sincere person and I really wish we could've been better friends.

Amy said...

I remember coming to your apartment and thinking I was going to get lost for sure. And I could never find a good parking spot so I'd park in that little unloading zone that wasn't even a spot.

Brooke said...

I remember some veeeery cold, veeeeery dark mornings, picking each other up to go to the gym. I need you here to motivate me!

I remember helping pack up your house in Logan, wrapping dishes and the like. It was fun, but a sad night for me, knowing you were leaving.

Also a fun weekend in Denver once... shopping, a Rockies game, delicious omlette breakfast.

Every time we are together in person is so much fun. But for now, blogging will have to suffice.
Love ya!

Jenn said...

I was about to leave my comment and then I read Brooke's...I was thinking the same thing! The night you packed up to leave Logan. I think Brooke helped more with the packing then we did, I just remember ripping up some old pants! I also have very fond memories of some heart-felt chats. You are a wonderful confidant (I don't think I spelled that right) Here's to bad spelling and good friends.