Friday, July 18, 2008

A night with Joseph and Emma

The other night a small group of sisters (+ Joey) went to see Emma Smith: My Story. It was playing in Golden for just one week, and am I glad I was able to see it! I'm not usually a fan of the churchy movies; they can sometimes get cheesey and trite, but I have to say, I was touched by this one.
A few things I loved:
  • I saw Joseph Smith as a man - someone who wasn't perfect, who struggled with his responsibilities, who had fun playing with children, who always tried to do what the Lord wanted him to do.
  • I saw that Emma really went through such a wide range of trials in her lifetime. Anything that could have gone wrong in her life, did. She lost so many children, was forced to move and leave her life behind so many times, never saw her parents (who didn't support her choices), and supported her husband through times of severe trial. She had even more trials with her second husband. Sheesh.
  • Having been to most of the church sites, it's so fun to see them in movies - see how things were back then. It's amazing to me how much technology has changed things in such a short period of time.

The thing I loved the most though, is the love story between Joseph and Emma. Their relationship was so loving, so sweet, so tender. And so fierce! Emma loved Joseph with everything she had, and I so loved seeing his respect for her opinions, her talents. They were such a great support and comfort to each other.

So....if you get a chance to see this movie, I say take it. Just be sure you bring lots of Kleenex! We all cried so hard I don't think there was any toilet paper left in the restroom after the movie!


Krystal Trapnell said...

I'm glad to hear that you liked it. I've seen it advertised here in Provo and wondered if it was any good.

After I read Saints by Orson Scott Card, I felt bad for Emma and the way she was portrayed in the novel (like a cold, jealous woman), so it's nice to hear that there is the other side.

Kar said...

I read a book several years ago; I think it was called Emma and Joseph, or maybe Joseph and Emma. It had two volumes. Anyways, that was the first I ever heard about all the things she went through. I felt soooo badly for her. P.S. I was a Hale, and I married a Smith!! Laaaa!!