Monday, March 3, 2008

To pull or not to pull?

Whenever we go to the dentist, he jokes that I should have inspected Andy's teeth before I married him, like people used to inspect horse's teeth before they bought them. And he also says that he hopes our kids get their mother's teeth. Great.

However, after this weekend, I pray they get my teeth too, if for any reason than to save them the pain that Andy suffered the last couple of weeks.

He had a cavity filled two weeks ago. Shortly after it was filled, he started having really bad pain. For a week, he suffered before calling the dentist. Our dentist said it was infected and put him on an antibiotic and a painkiller. Okay...should clear up, right? Wrong!

A week later, he was almost through the antibiotic, and the pain got worse. I have never seen Andy in so much pain. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep (neither could I, thank you very much). He couldn't focus. The dentist said to finish the antibiotic and if it didn't get better, Andy would have to get a root canal. And this past weekend, it just got worse and worse and worse. And worse.

I have no idea what an abscessed tooth feels like, but I do know that I called our dentist at 12:30 Saturday night because Andy had one. Sunday morning, actually. He said that if the pain was so unbearable, and Andy couldn't wait for the root canal, he should just go in and have it pulled. Um, they still do that? I had no idea.

We got up at 6:00 Sunday morning and drove to the dentist. 45 minutes each way, in a snowstorm, no less. (Who knew it could be 70 degrees one day and a torrential blizzard less than 24 hours later?) An hour and a half later, the tooth was gone, the pain was gone, there were huge wads of gauze all over the place, and Andy was able to sleep. And smile.

Poor Andy. I think after this weekend, we're in agreement that we hope our kids get my teeth. And that they will brush and floss at least every hour on the hour...


Mandy said...

Holy cow, that sucks! I haven't had an abscessed tooth either, that just sounds painful!

Hope you feel better Andy!

Kar said...

That sucks! Poor Andy. What a brave guy, to have waited that long before calling. Ben has had a lot of experiences like that. I hope my kids get my teeth, too, though I've gotten a few cavities since I was pregnant with Sadie. I haven't flossed very well the past couple of years. So it's really my fault.

Corinne said...

Yeah, I had one of those. I actually thought I was DYING and ended up in the E.R. and got an emergency root canal. I'm so sorry for Andy

Rebecca said...

That sucks for Andy, but glad he got it pulled.. I went through a similar trama.. but ended up on a Friday in an endodontist getting a root canal, then back to the dentist for a crown.. we wont talk about the 4 grand later.. I wish they would of pulled it!!!

Janene said...

man, oh man. I'm glad in the end it's all better. pleasant dreams! :o)

AnJ. said...

When I was pregnant with Cooper this happened to me. I was wishing they would have pulled it. Ugh! Glad he's feeling better.

bluestocking23 said...

Amen to the brushing and flossing. Cripes! This is like my worst nightmare.