Thursday, March 27, 2008

How do you like your eggs?

I have never been very adventurous with eggs - I mostly ate them scrambled. Sometimes with veggies and salsa, but usually just plain. Andy's like his eggs made with lemon pepper and stirred to perfect flufiness with chopsticks. Sometimes I like a good fried egg, but the whites are usually too rubbery for me to choke down.

Scrambled eggs are nice, not only because of their texture, but because they stay in place on the plate, without running into other food, like over-easy or poached eggs. I've long been a firm believer that different foods are not meant to intermingle on the plate. When I see people dip their toast in a fried egg yolk, I push my eggs even farther away from my toast, just to ensure no crossing-over takes place.

A while ago I decided to make eggs benedict for my darling husband. Once I had the Hollandaise sauce figured out, I had to poach the eggs. The thought of boiling an egg in water, sans shell, completely grossed me out. All that swirly, twirly white floating in water just didn't look right. But I tried it, and I became hooked.

Now, my favorite way to eat eggs is poached in water with salt and vinegar, on top of buttered toast, with a little cracked pepper on top. If you like eggs, try it! It's a delicious, quick, and cost-effective breakfast that is consumed at least twice a week at the Ahlstrom house.


Amy said...

I've NEVER tried eggs benedict. I was like you, I don't venture out much when it comes to eggs. But, now I'll try it.

Mandy said...

oh, i love eggs benedict! my favorite. never made it at home though, you'll have to send me your hollandaise recipe!

Kar said...

I adore Eggs Benny! I just can't figure out how to poach eggs. I got an "egg poacher," and it doesn't poach them correctly. How much salt do you put in the water to keep the egg intact? Do you make hollandaise? I found the easiest recipe for it, which makes it nice. Let me know if you're interested in making hollandaise.

Janene said...

wowsuh! I'm very impressed. I had eggs benedict at the B&B on our honeymoon, but not since.

lish said...

Poaching eggs is waay easier than you think. I don't even measure the salt, just dump it in. Maybe a few tablespoons. I crack the eggs into a cup first, and then let some of the hot water mix in there to temper them. Then just let them boil, take them out with a slotted spoon, and let them sit on the "bread butt" for a minute to soak up all the water.

As for hollandaise sauce, it's way easy. We just found a recipe online and it worked great. But the powdered mix you buy at the store - that was a complete disaster.