Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sew what?

Last Saturday I went to my friend Stacy's baby shower. I kind of forgot about it, and when Friday night rolled around, I figured I'd better get some sort of present together. I found these adorable onesies on Martha Stewart's website. The appliqued French bulldog was just so cute, I thought I'd give it a go.

I have always wanted to be great at sewing. And I have definitely tried. In college I took a sewing class (yes, they offer sewing classes in college), and I think the teacher was so horrified by my sewing issues that she passed me out of pity. For some reason, it seems that each time I touch a sewing machine, it has some sort of problem and promply breaks. So thinking I was going to make some onesies less than 24 hours before they were to be given as a gift was a prety lofty goal.

One screwed-up onesie later (which I managed to sew shut as I was sewing on the applique), I finished these two little bulldogs.

Unfortunately, I just didn't have fabric as cute as they did on Martha (darn JoAnn's has the crappiest fabrics), but I made due with what was laying around. I was so proud of myself - I figured out the zigzag stitch on my sewing machine, and I even managed to sew around those tiny bulldog feet. It's been a while since I was so excited that I did a dance of joy, but this occasion called for a joyous dance around my sewing machine.

I wrapped them up with a fun book about a bulldog, The Fabulous Bouncing Chowder.
Hopefully, Stacy liked them. All I had at my house were newborn onesies, so hopefully her baby will fit into them at least once!


Brooke said...

I am so impressed, Alicia!!!!!!!!!! Hint: I'm having a baby boy around May 10th or so. :)

AnJ. said...

This is very impressive because I was with you in said sewing class. We both had issues to say the least. :)
Good for you! They are darling. I love homemade gifts because of the time and effort involved.
And I totally agree with you about JoAnn's. L-A-M-E!

bluestocking23 said...

Impressive! You go girl. That reminds me - I have a quilt to finish. Dang!

DaNae said...

It makes my heart full of joy to know that you are sewing. you got the bad gene from me. I hate to sew.

Amy said...

These are SO CUTE! You did a great job. What a clever gift idea. I'm going to steal it.

Janene said...

High five to you! Those are oh, so cute.

I was making hand puppets (for the first time, mind you) last night and my machine pretty much started eating the fabric. Nothing more frustrating than being halfway through something and then stumped. grrrrr. So I hand-stiched the rest. I kept thinking to myself, "yeah, someone gave me this machine for free. NOW I KNOW WHY!"

Anyways, I'm so very pleased you had 24 hour success!
p.s. stock up on cute fabric at Brooks in Bountiful. I love theirs.

Kar said...

Wowee, Lish!! Very impressive. I'm just like you. Very, very bad at sewing. I love the bulldog idea and the bulldog book. I was going through baby boy clothes the other day, and I pulled out the onesie you got Dylan when he was born. It's still in really good shape, so I'm excited. Oh, yeah, like Brooke said, I'm having a baby boy June 8th... :)