I can think of no better way to celebrate Easter than by going to this exhibit, which has been touring Denver area stake centers for the past month.
What impressed me the most was the level of detail they used in their pieces. We got to examine them with a magnifying glass, and I was astounded at how much detail went into one piece. To think how hard it would be to create a woodcut, cutting away the "negative space," but then to do it backwards! Andy was impressed how they still depicted lighting principles, just as if you were lighting two people for a portrait. I am astounded by the talented artists of the world.
I also started thinking about how little diety and religion are depicted in art anymore. It used to be so prominent, and now what paintings hang on our walls?
I've heard that the church is looking at getting this exhibit to a broader audience. If it makes it to you, I highly recommend it!
I just read about this today in the newspaper. It sounds very interesting. We must go for sure if it comes. Thanks for sharing.
We saw some of Albrecht Durer's art when it was on loan to the Church Museum here. It's phenomenal. No wonder it's stood the test of time! And yes, we need more these days!!!
That is so interesting. What a great way to celebrate Easter!
This is so cool! I hope I get to see it!
I actually think I've seen some of these before. Very inspiring and certainly worth a second look. Thanks for sharing!
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