Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sick day

I always thought the hardest part of pregnancy (for me) would be dealing with headaches.

I have had headaches for as long as I can remember, and have been on all sorts of medication for them. When Andy and I got married, I weaned myself off the meds and just took Excedrin or Excedrin PM when I got a headache. Since that obviously can't happen when you're pregnant, I thought it would be tough to survive headaches sans Excedrin.

As it turns out, I've only had two really bad headaches while pregnant. (yay!)

What I have had (and am on my third one) are sinus infections and most recently, a really bad viral infection. This thing has knocked me flat on my back - I have stopped working and been in bed or on the couch for almost two weeks now. Coughing, hacking, draining, you name it - it's happening at our house, and I'm not a happy camper about it.

Especially because the dead moths just continue to pile up. Ugh.

Wish me well soon. I hate looking outside at the sun and wishing I could be out there, when instead I'm lying on the couch surrounded by piles of tissue, hugging a humidifier.


Janene said...

i love that i don't get headaches while pregnant. come to think of it, I haven't had any bad ones while nursing either. So glad. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Mandy said...

I haven't had any bad ones either! Sorry you have been so sick, hope you feel better!

AnJ. said...

This is so crappy! Get well soon. We need you well for your trip out here. :)

Jon and Becky said...

Going outside and walking around will not put at any more risk of infection than laying around the house, as long as you don't lick any other sick people's noses. Getting some fresh air and expanding those lungs could be very beneficial. Laying around pregnant puts at risk for blood clots.
Can we come see you?

Addie said...

Feel better soon! I'm thinking about you! :(

Jenn said...

I am sorry you are not well, I hope you feel better soom!

Kar said...

I am so sorry, Lish. Pregnancy is just the pits. I get bronchitis all the time when I'm preggars.

Larry said...

I thought doing OB rotations was easy, because the only drug that you can take was Tylenol. Hope you endure!