And like be home alone to take care of this little person my last day in the hospital and my first day home from the hospital (Andy had to work). I even managed to fit a shower and a kitchen clean-up into my day.
I'm pretty much just amazed at what our bodies are made for and the incredible feats they can pull off.
Anyway, a lot of people are asking for the story and more pictures. You can read the story here, but I have not unloaded pics from my camera yet or had a chance to take new ones, so you'll have to wait for Andy to do the pics. I promise they'll be soon!
I have been planning a blog post for quite some time now to let everyone know how and what we're doing. The last couple of months have been rough - Andy was in Utah for 6 weeks working and looking for a house for us, and I was home working, suffering through some pretty severe back pain, trying to get the house packed up and ready for this baby.
Andy found us a house and we thought we'd move out there before he came. We planned on going the weekend of September 25, and Andy came home two weeks before that to work in Colorado and we started working towards that date.
At one point, I just wasn't feeling it, and tried to get him to change it, but we had a bit of a discussion about what to do. Finally we decided to stay in Colorado and have the baby - I was planning on being induced on October 12, just after my due date (October 10). It was a good plan and we moved forward with it. I scheduled an express childbirth class on Saturday September 26, a baby shower on Sunday September 27, and a breastfeeding class on Monday September 28. It felt like a solid plan.
On Friday evening September 25, I was having really mild contractions and then my water broke when I was going to the bathroom. I didn't realize that's what happened and went on with my evening. I did call my doctor and she said that she was on the fence - it might be something to worry about, might not, but to go to the hospital if things got worse. We had breakfast at IHOP. and when we got home about 9:00, I realized bleeding and contractions were worse and convinced Andy we should at least go get checked out. As a precaution.
So off we went to the ER, both of us just exhausted and not in the mood to sit in the ER and then go home after two hours. However, once I got on the exam table, the rest of my water gushed out and I was told we were not going home until I had that baby, within the next 24 hours. We were shocked!
So about 11:00 pm they put me on pitocin to get things moving along, I got my epidural around 4:00 am, started pushing around noon, turned on some Beatles music around 12:15, and at 1:15 pm he was born. What a surprise and a blessing all wrapped in one.
I'm sure you know we named him Max - Maxwell Kenshi Ahlstrom. Max after a favorite children's book (Where the Wild Things Are) and Kenshi after a Japanese samurai to honor Andy's Japanese culture. He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 21 inches long. The first thing the doc said when he came out was, "Oh! He has a cleft chin!" Andy and I looked at each other and said, "What? Where did he get that from?" We could not think of anyone in our families who has one, but I'm thinking my dad does, we just don't notice it because of his goatee/beard. Funny.
Turns out my fluid was infected, which they think is why I went early. I had a fever during labor and Max came out a little on the warm side. We both had to have oxygen, but a day or so later, everyone is fine.
So there's the story. We're home from the hospital now, Max is doing great, no one is sleeping, but everyone's happy.
I'll post more when I get more pics of little Max. Thanks everyone for the emails and well wishes!
PS: We're moving to Kaysville in a few weeks. See some of you very soon!
Every time I have a baby, I just cannot believe how amazing our bodies are. We don't give them enough credit. I wrote you a huge old congratulatory e-mail a few hours ago. I just wanted to say again, congrats. And thanks for telling us the details on labor and delivery. Ugh, your labor was a long one. My first labor was long, too. They get shorter and shorter with each kid. But I know you don't want to think about any more kids just now!!
Congratulations! I think he's a keeper.
We are grateful you are both doing well. You can do hard things! We think he is so cute and can't wait to meet him in person. Mason just loves his 'bum chin'. :)
Cleft chins are for studs. Way to go! He is really cute and yes, you are amazing. Isn't it awesome? I wish so much I was closer so I could see and hold the little guy and let you sleep for a while! Good luck with everything. We have a baby gift for you, but to be honest, it probably won't get to you until you're in Utah, so you'll have to be sure to send your new address to everyone!
Congrats!!! So very exciting! I'm glad everything worked out okay! I'm excited to see all three of you!!
Yay Alicia! Awesome job. And those little ones often have a mind of their own and are not aware of the plans we have made for them. Good luck with all the changes. And hang in there, you will someday sleep again!
You and Andy are so blessed. Max is a great name, and he is so sweet. Congrats on getting through the first process of parenting, a million more to go :) It is all good. Best wishes with the move too.
I personally LOVE bum chins! I am so glad things went and are going so well! I love you guys and can't wait to see you!
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